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Struble / Lion's Trail

A Very Easy 3 mile shared use path 25 minutes away

Struble School Dec 2020.jpg

Universal Access (UA): The Struble Trail comes very close to meeting full standards for Universal Access. With respect to running grade, it meets standards for all except for about 250' of the path after about 1.8 miles (just north of Dowlin Forge Rd): a 200' section with 5-8.33% grades, 2 30' sections with 8.33-10" grades, and 2 10' sections with 10-12.5% grades. As a shared use path, it meets all standards for surface, obstacles, cross-slope, and passing spaces. There is, however, a raised lip on the crosswalk at Norwood Road, marking the northern end of the Lion's Trail and the southern end of the Struble Trail. 


​Effort: This 6.2 mile out and back shared use path (3.1 miles each way) has a Flat Equivalent Length of 6.3 miles and merits a Cumulative Grade Rating of Very Easy.  Depending on the direction, the longest continuous grades are as follows: a 30-140' section with at least easy grades, and a 20' section with at least easy to moderate  grades. Our route starts in Kardon Park, at the Lions trail, which is a bit closer to Kennett and adds another .5 miles each way. 


Stress: As a shared use path, this is generally rated as very low stress for most users, except that there are several road crossings with crosswalks.  Roadside erosion has also raised the lip at the Norwood Road crossing.


Other features: This is a busy trail, running close to the East Branch of the Brandywine Creek. Almost the entire route is generally shaded.  There are plenty of benches along the wayThere is a portapotty at the Dorlan Mill Lot, and numerous places to eat and shop close to the Kardon Park lot.

Connections: This connects to the Uwchlan Trail, for those who want to extend their trip.   Those on a bicycle can also connect to the East Branch Brandywine Trail with the 2.4 mile Struble Connector (read more below).

Users can also continue on the Uwchlan Trail to add another 6.9 miles to their round trip.

Getting there: Click here (or on the map) for directions to the southern trailhead.


Trail maps: To see the grade in each direction for each 10' section on the map below, click on Filter and select the direction (remember to toggle the filter on).

  • Click on Legend to see the symbols indicating different grades. 

  • Click Home to re-center the map on the trail. 

  • Click here to open the map in a new window.

  • Click Your Location to track your progress while you hike.


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