Building Your Capacity
We can help you to become comfortable on longer and more adventurous outings by helping you find the option that balances effort and stress given the conditions that day and then make a plan. Click on each box below to read more.A trail involving a bit more effort or stress, stretching your abilities without being uncomfortable. More coming soon!
Plan your outing
We can help you to become comfortable on longer and more adventurous outings by helping you find the option that balances effort and stress given the conditions that day and then make a plan. Click on each box below to read more.
Review your progress
Feeling relaxed? Really enjoying it? Whatever helps you look forward to hitting the trail again. More coming soon!
Paths, Trails, and Routes
Click on each box below to read more about the differences between paths, trails, and routes for walking, hiking, and cycling, and then find options near you (or just hover over the tabs at the top of the page).
Walking Path: 3-8’ wide, with a hard, stable, and even surface, and few sections with steeper grades. Read more.
Multi-Use Path: 10-12’ wide, with a hard, stable, and even surface, and few sections with steeper grades. Read more.
Trail: A natural surface varying greatly in width, firmness, sometimes with obstacles and steeper grades. Read more.
Cycling Route: Traced across roads where cyclists are not physically separated from traffic. Read more.
Outdoors for All
What makes some paths and trails impossible for some with disabilities to access? We aim to identify what people with disabilities need to know to plan a great experience. It turns out that this helps anyone just starting out to find the options just right for them, and help planners create networks that work for everyone. Click on each box to read more.
Understanding the spectrum of trails for the spectrum of users helps more people with disabilities (and others) enjoy more of the outdoors. Read more.
Building your Capacity
Regardless of any disabilities, you can implement a plan to create outdoor routines that keep you happy and healthy, and build your capacity to meet even more challenges if you want. Check back later.

Your plan
Identifying accommod-ations and supports you need given daily conditions and goals.

Balancing effort, stress, daily conditions, and supports to create just the right experience.

Your routines
Creating resilient routines for getting healthy outdoors all year round and under all conditions.
Our Maps and Ratings
Learn our rating system, how we apply them to our maps, and how you can use them to find the path, trail, or route that is just right for you. Check back later.

How we map and rate grades together with length to quantify the effort required for paths, trails, and routes. Click here!
How we identify specific accessible features of paths and trails (like bathrooms). More coming soon!

Trail Stress
How we rate and map specific sources of stress on trails to identify which are in your comfort zone. More coming soon!